Sunday, January 20, 2008

I Have Only Come Here Seeking Knowledge, Things They Wouldn't Teach Me Of In College

Perhaps some would like to read more practical policy advice and less abstract arguments that I usually point to in my posts. Many organizations present papers, talks, symposia, and so. Some draw on economists I also draw on. Among these are:


  1. The best one in man's history is left completely out !!

    The Ludwig von Mises Institute where the economics of individual freedom reign supreme. With excellent scholars whose videos and mp3's lectures on economics and history all viewed in the totally correct vantage of Cicero's "Qui Bono?".

    Just read Rothbard's "Wall Street. Banks and American Foreign Policy" for the education hardest to get from this nation of govt's paid cheerleaders in academe and media.

    That's folks, and it's at Lew Rockwell's site as well - also unmentioned.

    Economics is way less about any planning or equations and more about that it's free marlets of cooperating individuals that best raises the most boats.

    Human Action, as it were!

    Leave these confusing numbers dolts behind - they suck up to govt by spewing confusion and their love for the statism that feeds them.

  2. With excellent scholars whose videos and mp3's lectures on economics and history all viewed in the totally correct vantage of Cicero's "Qui Bono?"........

    ...can be freely downloaded!
