Thursday, July 16, 2020

Where Can I Read Correspondence Between Robinson And Sraffa?

I have been looking at Sraffa's archives. Scott Carter was responsible for putting them online, as I understand it. Anyways, I know some contents has been published. What should I read for transcripts of letters between Robinson and Sraffa? Maybe something by Marcuzzo?

Anyways, here is a 18 June 1960 letter from Robinson to Sraffa (D3/12/111: 340-341)

All the work that I have been doing the last 10 years has been very much influenced by you – both our conservations in old days and by your Preface. When I went off my head I thought that the idea I had seen in a blinding flash was yours, because it came to me in terms of Ricardo’s corn economy, but it was connected with TIME and it so appears is very much akin to your point of view (though one it seems to fit perfectly well.) Since, quite apart from your worldly success, I have a lot of fun. I have a very deep feeling of gratitude to you. The fact that you reject it doesn’t affect the case at all.

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